The name of your file must be fproj.asm and below is a description of what it should do when executed.

computer science


NASM 64 program named fproj.asm
The name of your file must be fproj.asm and below is a description of what it should do when executed.

Before you start working on the program fp.asm

Download and save it on your workstation, then transfer it to moore to your working directory and convert it to a unix text file (using dos2unix). This file is necessary.
Download simple_io.asm and save it on your workstation, then transfer it to moore to your working directory and convert it to a unix text file (using dos2unix). This file is necessary.

Download driver.c and save it on your workstation, then transfer it to moore to your working directory and convert it to a unix text file (using dos2unix). This file is necessary. Note, that this is a different driver.c than the one we used in the labs.
Download and save it on your workstation, then transfer it to moore to your working directory and convert it to a unix text file (using dos2unix). This is a python version of the program you are to write in NASM assembler. You can execute it on moore by python3 to gain a better understanding of how the program should behave.

Download fproj_skel.asm and save it on your workstation, then transfer it to moore to your working directory and convert it to a unix text file (using dos2unix). This is a skeleton file for fproj.asm . It contains to code for the random initialization of the array array .
Download makefile from the sample NASM programs and save it on your workstation, then transfer it to moore to your working directory and convert it to a unix text file (using dos2unix). Then modify the file makefile for a proper compilation and linking of fproj.asm . This file is not necessary, you may create it from scratch if you are so inclined.

What should fproj.asm do:

  1. It defines an integer array of length 8, its name is up to you, but here we will call it array , and the skeleton program fproj_skel.asm also uses the name array .
  2. The array array is randomly initialized to the values from 1..8 by the call to rperm , see the skeleton program fproj_skel.asm .
  3. Then in an infinite loop, array is displayed on the screen by a subroutine display .
  4. At the bottom of the screen the user is prompted to either enter a pair of values i and j from the range 1..8, or 0.

1. If 0 is entered, the loop is terminated, and then the program terminates.

2. If a pair of values i and j is entered, then in array the item containing the value i is swapped with the item

containing the value j , and the loop is repeated.

  1. The subroutine display has two parameters passed on the stack, one is the address of the array array , and the other

is the size of the array, in this case 8. You cannot hard code in the subroutine display the address of the array, nor the


  1. The subroutine display traverses the array and displays the value in each item of the array in a form of a box, for better understanding see the execution of . It also must display the numeric value of the box underneath.
  2. The box of size 1 looks like this


  1. The box of size 2 looks like this



  1. The box of size 3 looks like this


+ +


  1. The box of size 4 looks like this


+  +

+  +


  1. The box of size 5 looks like this


+   +

+   +

+   +


  1. etc. ....
  2. The box of size 8 looks like this


+      +

+      +

+      +

+      +

+      +

+      +


  1. The boxes are displayed adjusted to the same level at the bottom, side by side. Thus, the subroutine display must display it from top to the bottom, one line at a time. So, display must loop n-times, where n is the length of the input array. In this loop, it must prepare a line, and then displays it -- i.e. n lines from top to bottom. For each line, it must figure out what to put in the line for each item of the array, i.e. must loop n-times for each item of the array. For instance: 

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