Java Homework
Hi-Lo Grade. Course grades are determined by four exams,
each consisting of 100 questions. Each question is worth a single point, so
possible exam scores are between 0 and 100 inclusive. The average exam score is
converted to a letter grade according to the following scale:
• A = [90, 100]
• B = [80, 90)
C = [70, 80)
• [60, 70)
• [0, 60)
The notation [x, y) means at least x and less than y. Write
a program that prompts the user for the first three exam scores and outputs the
highest and lowest possible course grade.
Twister. Write a program that prompts the user for a word
and outputs it in quar-ter-length substrings on four lines reading back and
forth across alternating lines. Use StringBuilder to reverse substrings as needed.
If the length of the input is not an exact multiple of 4, then append spaces so
that the last substring is padded with leading spaces as shown.
Greatest Glob. Write a program that prompts the user for
three die rolls and outputs their greatest glob sum. A glob is a maximal subset
of identical values, and the greatest glob is the one with the greatest sum.
For example, suppose the rolls are 3, 5, and 3. There are two globs in this
case: the pair of threes and the five by itself. The pair of threes has a sum
of 6, which is greater than 5, so the greatest glob sum is 6.
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