The objective of this Portfolio Project is mining data from a data warehouse, which contains data from the Northwind database that was constructed during your installation of PostgreSQL.
Below are the summarized tasks for this Portfolio Project.
Data Warehouse:
Preprocessing for SAS:
Statistical Analysis Using SAS:
Conduct statistical analysis using the appropriate statistics from each category:
Using your plan prepared in Module 3, Milestone 1, and leveraging the data warehouse and preprocessing steps in Module 6, Milestone 2, complete the tasks under Statistical Analysis Using SAS.
Your analysis report must include:
Your project must meet the following requirements:
Follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA
. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with at least four fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Be clearly and well written using excellent grammar and style techniques. Be concise and logical. You are being graded, in part, on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style, you can find many writing resources in the CSU-Global Writing Center
Be supported with at least three peer-reviewed, scholarly references, and one citation from the course textbooks. You may also include references from credible sources in print and from the Internet. The CSU-Global Library
is a great place to find these resources.
Here are the Deliverables;
Use simplified clear language, American English syntax only
No British English spelling.
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