The parameters to search are a pointer to the tree and the current depth. On each recursive call add 1 to the depth.

computer science


## Start of file recur1.a


## MIPSMARK 1.0 1/5/98 Copyright 1998 J. Waldron.

## All Rights Reserved. See the file README for

## a full copyright notice.


## Question:


## Write a function named search that will do a

## depth first search of a tree for a marked

## node. A marked node is one that has a value

## field equal to 1. Only one node in the tree is

## marked.


## The parameters to search are a pointer to the

## tree and the current depth. On each recursive

## call add 1 to the depth. This parameter is

## used to keep track of the path from the root

## to the marked node; as you visit a node, you

## will call a procedure named store_path to

## record the fact that you have visited this

## node. The code for store_path and print_path

## (called after you get back from the procedure)

## have been written for you -- all you need to

## do is understand how to set up their parameters

## and make the call.


## The code for search could look like:

##           call store_path

##           if (value == 1)

##             return 1

##           if (left tree exists)

##             if (search(left tree, depth+1))

##              return 1

##           if (right tree exists)

##             return search(right tree, depth+1)

##           return 0


## Output format must be:

## "apple-->orange-->plum-->grape-->star-->passion"



#                                                                                       #

#                            text segment                                    #

#                                                                                        #




               .globl __start

__start:                # execution starts here


               la $a0,tree

               li $a1,0

               jal search             # search the tree


               jal print_path      # print the path

                                             # to the node with val=1

               li $v0,10

               syscall                  # au revoir....




# store_path - store pointer at level n in the path

#             a0 - holds pointer to string

#             a1 - level to use in path



               sll $t0,$a1,2        # each pointer is 4 bytes

               sw $a0,path($t0)# save pointer to the name

               addi $t0,$t0,4     # make the next entry

               sw $0,path($t0)  #  equal to 0.

               jr $ra




# print_path() - print the items stored in path



        li $t0,0        # i

        sll $t1,$t0,2 # each pointer is 4 bytes

        lw $a0,path($t1)

next:   li $v0,4    

        syscall         # print path[i]

        addi $t0,$t0,1  # i++

        sll $t1,$t0,2 # each pointer is 4 bytes

        lw $a0,path($t1)

        beqz $a0,done

        move $t1,$a0

        la $a0,arrow

        li $v0,4

        syscall         # print "-->"

        move $a0,$t1

        b next

done:   la $a0,endl

        li $v0,4

        syscall         # print newline

        jr $ra


# Any changes above this line will be discarded by

# mipsmark. Put your answer between dashed lines.

#-------------- start cut -----------------------




#--------------  end cut  -----------------------

# Any changes below this line will be discarded by

# mipsmark. Put your answer between dashed lines.



#                                               #

#               data segment                    #

#                                               #





# The binary tree.  Note that each node has four

# words -- a pointer to the name, pointers to

# left and right subtrees, and the integer

# value field. 


path:      .space 80


tree:      .word name0, node1, node2, 0

node1:  .word name1, node3, node4, 0

node2:  .word name2, node5, node6, 0

node3:  .word name3, node7, 0, 0

node4:  .word name4, node8, node9, 0

node5:  .word name5, 0, 0, 0

node6:  .word name6, node10, node11, 0

node7:  .word name7, 0, 0, 0

node8:  .word name8, 0, 0, 0

node9:  .word name9, node12, node13, 0

node10:               .word name10, 0, 0, 0

node11:               .word name11, 0, 0, 0

node12:               .word name12, node14, node15, 0

node13:               .word name13, 0, 0, 0

node14:               .word name14, 0, 0, 1

node15:               .word name15, node16, node17, 0

node16:               .word name16, 0, 0, 0

node17:               .word name17, 0, 0, 0


name0: .asciiz "apple"

name1: .asciiz "orange"

name2: .asciiz "bananna"

name3: .asciiz "pear"

name4: .asciiz "plum"

name5: .asciiz "peach"

name6: .asciiz "nectarine"

name7: .asciiz "pineapple"

name8: .asciiz "grapefruit"

name9: .asciiz "grape"

name10:              .asciiz "melon"

name11:              .asciiz "avocado"

name12:              .asciiz "star"

name13:              .asciiz "mango"

name14:              .asciiz "passion"

name15:              .asciiz "cantaloupe"

name16:              .asciiz "watermelon"

name17:              .asciiz "apricot"


endl:      .asciiz "\n"

arrow:   .asciiz "-->"

## End of file recur1.a

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