The Period 1 assessment for Introduction to Econometrics will take the format of 12 hours Open Book ‘Take Home’ Examination (requiring evidence of workings)



The Period 1 assessment for Introduction to Econometrics will take the format of 12 hours Open Book ‘Take Home’ Examination (requiring evidence of workings) - you will be required to complete an examination via KEATS and submit within a 12-hour period from the release time

As part of your answer you may be required to upload and embed pictures of your ‘workings’ (e.g. diagrams or formulas) into the document before submitting. This paper is ‘open book’ which means that you may consult your own notes, course texts and other materials including online resources. Markers will take this into account

Whilst you have a 12-hour window from the release time to submit your work, you should spend no longer on the assessment than the recommended time to complete the paper e.g. 3 hours. The amount of time recommended will be stated in the assessment instructions

Information on how to embed images into documents can be found in the Student Guidance document.  

The alternative assessment will be made available at 10:00 am (GMT) on 11 January 2021. Students will be required to upload their answer to the submission portal by 10:00 pm (GMT) on 11 January 2021.

Students should complete the Cover Sheet and write their answers on the following pages. Where applicable students should clearly state the question(s) they are answering (e.g. Question 1, Part A) so it can be clearly identified for markers.

We are expecting an inordinate amount of submissions via Turnitin which may results in submission delays. We therefore request that students submit their finalised assessment as soon as they have completed it. We recommend that all students should allow enough time to submit – we suggest at least 2 hours before the deadline.

(the document I upload is just the exam last year, the question can't be seen until 11th of Jan 10am UK time)

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