The portal will stop accepting submissions after 09 April 2021 2359h so please start your assignment early.

computer science


The portal will stop accepting submissions after 09 April 2021 2359h so please start your assignment early. Templates will be provided for all the problems. These templates provide a starting point for your implementation. It is highly recommended to use all the templates given to you. Do not change the file name or the class name of the template, or else your code may be marked as incorrect. However, you have to submit your own work. Posting the question or solution in public repositories are not allowed also counts as a form of plagiarism. Any form of plagiarism is subject to disciplinary action. Please include a brief description of your algorithm as a comment at the top of the code as this will be used for marking. You should also explain the time complexity of your algorithm in this comment. Failure to do so may result in deducted marks.. It also helps you to gain partial credits if your code has some bugs. There are some example test cases provided in the assignment folder and these will also be uploaded onto CodeCrunch. If your program fails any of the example test cases, you will get ZERO marks. If your program passes all the example test cases, your code will be marked manually so please code neatly and add comments where appropriate. You may be asked to explain your code if the marker cannot understand it. Marks will be deducted if there are bugs in your code or if your algorithm does not meet the time complexity stated in the question. You are strongly encouraged to design your own test cases to test your code. 

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