The positive causes and effects of reading in education or any field.



What are the causes and effects of reading (within the three texts you choose)?

Here are questions to consider: What causes people to read? What are the positive effects of

reading? What are the negative effects for those who are illiterate, or those who cannot read

above high school level? You may answer any or all of these questions.

Within this essay, you must demonstrate your ability to support your argument using several

texts. Therefore, it is crucial to have an understanding of summarizing and quoting.

Requirements for Cause and Effect Essay:

 3-4 full pages (not including Works Cited)

 Solid thesis that discusses the effects of reading

 Clear, logical organization of essay (introduction, body, conclusion)

 Quotes, paraphrases and summarizes appropriately (you must do all three!)

 Uses at least three texts as support in body paragraphs

 Must use The Freedom Writers Diary

 Quotes are introduced and discussed (Use Quote Sandwiching!)

 Correct MLA Format, including in-text citations and a Works Cited page

 Smooth transitions between and within paragraphs

 Creative and interesting title

 No inappropriate use of 1 st and 2nd person: I, me, my, you, your, yours

If you visit the Language Resource Center on campus or NetTutor online for this essay,

Related Questions in education category

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