SECTION A TOPIC: Monitoring, Risk and
Surveillance at work.
Describe a problem within this topic (What is it)
The problem that I want to discuss and investigate is
the relation and importance of trust in monitoring practices within team
members and its implication on the performance of a team in an organization. Studies
has found that the trust in team and supervisor monitoring practices is
positively related to team and organizational performance. The importance of
trust has been correlated to global organizational developments such as in
enhancing flexibility of organizational relations, growing the intensity of
knowledge on job and continuous change. While monitoring has become integral part of
organizational governance, trust has become equally relevant factor in human
resource management. Both monitoring and trust can promote performance of
individuals, team and organizations.
However, some studies also found that the relation
between trust in team members is negatively related to team performance as high
trust can lead to reduction in team monitoring which ultimately leads to lower
Why is it a problem?
Although most authors accept that trust lubricates
organizational relations and enhance performance of teams, there is no clear
findings done about it. It is a known fact that the trust between team members is
of a paramount importance to work cohesively and to achieve common goal. Lack of
trust amongst the team members can hamper the shared directness towards common
Who is affected by the problem? How does the problem
affect an organisation/industry (i.e. problem, its affects and what does
solving it look like?)
The problem can lead to more employee turnover which
makes it difficult for an organization to retain its employee. Moreover, this
problem can affect the performance of employees, team and organization. More
turnover leads to more cost for an organization in recruiting and training.
Solving this problem can benefit HR in many folds.
Trusting in each other can enhance openness in communication, team commitment
and cooperation among team members. The
trust in supervisor can monitoring can
Who has researched this problem before? (Key
Quite a few numbers of researchers have studied on key
word trust such as
-further understanding of trust and performance
(Aubert and Kelsey, 2003)
- Risk at work: Trust, Monitoring and Cooperation in
temporary Project Teams (Bijlsma-Frankema and Van De Bunt, 2003)
-Trust Under Pressure: Trust and Trust Building
(Bijlsma-Frankema and Klein Woolthuis, 2005).
- A Matter of Trust:Effects on the Performance and
Effectiveness of Teams in Organizations (Costa, 2000)
-Heed, a missing link between Trust, Monitoring and
Performance in knowledge intensive teams ( Bijlsma-Frankema Bart de Jong and Gerhard Van De Bunt)
Who would be part of your sample and why?
I have changed my samples. I will try to find few
samples from different work categories like 5 HR managers from different
organization and survey 5 employees under each HR managers.I would also try to
get 5 employees from remote team. In total I would get 35 samples for my study.
Which theories have been used by researchers to
review the problem?
Researchers in above used theories such as
psychological contract, social exchange theory, leader-manager theory to review
the problem.
What theory will you use and why?
Social Exchange Theory
I would like to use social exchange theory to
investigate and analyze the risk and benefit of trust within team members to
evaluate the performance of an organization. The concept of Social exchange
theory is based on nature of individuals and the relationship between people in
with certain assumptions. Trusting one another is based on assumptions and
reciprocity where people feel/assume that reward is equivalent to cost input.
So, using exchange theory can give better reasoning to my findings.
Why would anyone in the organization/industry care
about is this issue?
A simple word “trust” is important value that plays
a major role in building relationship between coworkers, leaders or in
employers. Trust is a lubricant for
smooth functioning of the organization and it also enhances the performance of
employees’ performance which leads to better performance of an organization. The
lack of trust among team members and supervisor can deter the monitoring
practices. Hampering the monitoring processes can lose the focus on achieving
the goal; team goal or organizational goals. Therefore, trust is something that
has to be taken care of.
How does this matter affect HRM function? (e.g.
recruitment and selection, job design, SHRM)
How are you going to investigate the
Quantitative or qualitative methods
Survey questionnaire
Key informants(interviews)
Focus group
I am going to investigate the problem by
quantitative method using survey questionnaire. A survey questionnaire will be
prepared with questions on demographics, monitoring, trust, retention,
performance or achievements of goals. The Likert scale of 5 ratings would be
used to rate the response of respondent. Then the relationship between the
trust, monitoring and performance will be measured and determined. Mean, Median
and mode will be calculated from the data collected for the assessment and
How will you analyze the data?
I am going to organize the raw data collected into
refined frequency table to calculate mean, median and mode. Then I will use the
measures of central tendency to analyze the data.
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