Problem Statement
problem to be addressed by this study is…..In every society and across all
classes sexual abuse occurs. Sexual abuse impacts millions across the globe and
covers all the socio-economic classes. The majority of victims will not report
the assault; they instead head to an emergency department. An American is
sexually abused every 98 seconds (Vagianos, 2017). One out of every five Americans also seen sexual harassment in
their lives attempted or done. Women aged 20-25 years have a probability of
sexual abuse or alleged sexual violence. Girls aged 16 to 19 years of age are
four times more likely to be victims of sexual abuse or sexual harassment than
the general population. The incidence of sexual abuse is three times greater
for college students 18-24 years of age than for people in general. Girls of
the same age who have not studied at school can witness sexual harassment four times
more frequently. The highest risk of sexual abuse is for women aged 12 to 34. A
study showed that 37% of the overall abuse was characterized by rape,
sexual abuse, theft, or aggravated assault. The incidence of self-reported
abuse or sexual harassment has more than doubled in 2017 from 1.4 cases per
1,000 individuals 12 and over to 2.7 in 2018 (NSVRC, 2018).
does not only affect the victimization of sexual violence; race is a
significant element in a person's likelihood of sexual abuse. The levels of
sexual abuse within minority communities are higher. Women are targets of both
classes, but some are more vulnerable than others (Bohra,
Sharma, & Shruti Srivastava, 2015). The impact of
sexual abuse is frequently overlooked. These costs may involve medical care,
mental healthcare, victims' compensation, rehabilitation facilities, social
resources, custody of offenders, punishment, penalty and loss of employment and
standard of life for victims. The victims can be tested or monitored for any
assault-related conditions including “sexually transmitted infections” (SIDs) (Islahi &
Ahmad, 2015). If
a victim has a STI, more care might be required. Any individuals who recover
can often receive behavioural health treatment with difficulties resulting from
sexual harassment psychiatric abuse. Victims are often affected with
neurological disorders arising from sexual harassment. Gynaecological issues are
the most frequent connections to this kind of abuse. There are, however, many
stomach and respiratory disorders and migraines correlated with a prior sexual
abuse (Abamara, 2015).
Abamara, N. (2015). Violence
against Women: Impact on Women Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in
Eastern Nigeria. Journal of Women’s Health, Issues & Care.
N., Sharma, I., & Shruti Srivastava. (2015). Violence against women. Indian
J Psychiatry, S333–S338. doi:10.4103/0019-5545.161500
F., & Ahmad, N. (2015). Consequences of Violence against Women on Their
Health and Well-being: An Overview. Inclusive .
(2018). Statistics. Retrieved from NSVRC:
A. (2017). 30 Alarming Statistics That Show The Reality Of Sexual Violence
In America. Retrieved from Huffingtonpost:
☐ Begin with “The problem to be addressed by this study is…” This
statement should logically flow from the introduction and clearly identify the
problem to be addressed by the study.
☐ Succinctly discuss the problem and provide evidence of its existence.
☐ Identify who is impacted by the problem (e.g., individuals,
organizations, industries, or society),
what is not known that should be known about it, and what the potential
negative consequences could be if the problem is not addressed in this study.
☐ Ensure the concepts presented are exactly the same as those
mentioned in the Purpose Statement section.
☐ Do not exceed 250-300 words.