The process of gaining knowledge is more valuable than reaching an end result.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge”.



Theory Of Knowledge (TOK) essay.


Prescribed Title- “The process of gaining knowledge is more valuable than reaching an end result.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge”.


Must Include-

1.                  formulate a knowledge question with in the essay itself and also answer it by giving some personal examples.

2.                  at least 2 real life situation employing relevant Areas of Knowledge (AoK) and Ways of Knowing (Wok)

3.                  claims and counter claims



1.                  Please use references only from the websites. Please don’t take any references from books, journals, etc.

2.                  Bibliography only in MLA format.


Here are some websites that will guide you-


1.                  For TOK Essay Format-


2.                  For Knowledge Question-


3.                  AOK and WOK-


4.                  TOK Essay Examples-


If you have any questions then please feel free to ask me.

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