The project uses Stepper motor, Pressure sensors(BMP 280), alarms (Peizo Buzzer), and different potentiometer to control the variables.

computer science


The project uses Stepper motor, Pressure sensors(BMP 280), alarms (Peizo Buzzer), and different potentiometer to control the variables. It is a volume control ventilator so tidal volume, I:E Ratio and BPM controlled by potentiometer. It should be measure peak and plateau pressure and display both in the device and in graphs (serial monitor). Three main graphs are Pressure, Volume and Flow ( The alarms should trigger and give a warning in LCD display as well if the peak pressure is high/low, plateau pressure is high/low, tidal volume is high low etc. Let me know as soon as possible if this is can be done and how much would it cost to do it. Please refer the doc file for more detailed requirement need.

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