The purpose of this assessment is to review and analyze a sample marketing plan and prepare an executive summary for the marketing plan. Review and analyze the "Sample Marketing Plan: Chill Beverage Company" case study on pp. 632–640 of your textb



The purpose of this assessment is to review and analyze a sample marketing plan and prepare an executive summary for the marketing plan. Review and analyze the "Sample Marketing Plan: Chill Beverage Company" case study on pp. 632–640 of your textbook, Principles of Marketing (Custom 16th ed.). Based on your analysis, write an executive summary and explain how your executive summary is an improvement over what has been provided in the textbook. Also, highlight areas in the textbook executive summary that appealed to you and explain why it did so. Submission Requirements: Submit your responses in a Microsoft Word document of the following specifications: Font: Arial, Size: 12 point Line Spacing: Double Length: 2 pages Evaluation Criteria: The analysis will be evaluated using the following criteria: Did you prepare the executive summary? Did you explain how your executive summary is an improvement over what has been provided in the textbook? Did you highlight the areas in the textbook executive summary that appealed to you and explain why it did so? Did your thoughts flow coherently? Did you use correct grammar and spelling and meet the submission requirements?

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