The purpose of this assignment is to assess your analytical and computing skills on the queuing theory with application on traffic congestion problem using SAS.

computer science


The purpose of this assignment is to assess your analytical and computing skills on the queuing theory with application on traffic congestion problem using SAS.

Total Possible Marks: 60 marks, which contribute 30% towards your final grade in this paper. 

Deadline: 5pm, Friday, March 27, 2020

Submission: Submission must be made through Blackboard.

Data: Data must be collected from New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) website. Instructions are provided below. 

SAS: All computing tasks must be done using SAS.

Report: Incorporate your SAS code and output graphs in your report. Also include the DCT/SECMS assignment cover page, otherwise your assignment WILL NOT be marked. 

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