The purpose of this assignment is to write a letter cxplaining a topic to someone (your Campus Manager or College Education Director about something you want to do or some action you would like to sec occur in your College.



I. The purpose of this assignment is to write a letter cxplaining a topic to someone (your Campus Manager or College Education Director about something you want to do or some action you would like to sec occur in your College.

2. You will eomposc a persuasive letter using the AIDA formula. Your letter has to be at least tbur paragraphs.

(a) In thc first paragraph you want to get the attention of the reader.

(h) The second paragraph should spark interest in the rcader. 13e creative.

(e) Create a desire for what you want to do, Why is this important to you? Make thisevident in the third paragraph.

(d) The last paragraph should indicate some action you want to occur. What do youwant to happen?

3. Your letter should be addressed to your Campus Manager or College EducationDirector, the name of the College. the address of the school, city, province, and postalcode, Be sure to use the appropnate line spacing for the letter.

4. You will sign your name, of course, as the writer, your title is ABC’ Student, and the

name of your school.

5. Proofrecj your work careflully before you submit.

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