The purpose of this exam is to help you practice for the first exam in CS 251. The answers will *not* be given, though you are free to post / discuss the answers on Piazza.

computer science


The purpose of this exam is to help you practice for the first exam in CS 251. The answers will *not* be given, though you are free to post / discuss the answers on Piazza. This practice exam is longer than the actual exam; you can expect some subset of an exam like this. The actual exam will take on average 60 minutes, though you’ll have as long as 2 hours to complete. The actual exam covers all topics covered in class, along with readings and HW and labs and projects, up through and including class on Friday October 4th. This practice exam is *not* exhaustive --- there are lots of topics not covered by this practice exam. So you need to do more than just work through this exam; at the bare minimum review all lecture notes.

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