The purpose of this manual is to regulate the writing principles for graduate theses and projects prepared at the Istanbul Aydın University Institute of Social Sciences,



A. Objective and Scope 

The purpose of this manual is to regulate the writing principles for graduate theses and projects prepared at the Istanbul Aydın University Institute of Social Sciences, in accordance with the Graduate Education and Training Regulations of the Istanbul Aydın University. This manual covers the provisions related to the preparation of MS and PhD theses prepared at the Institute of Social Sciences of the Istanbul Aydın University. 


Definitions In this manual; Institute refers to the Istanbul Aydın University Institute of Social Sciences, Senate refers to the Istanbul Aydın University Senate, Department refers to the Departments with educational programs within the institute, Thesis refers to Master's thesis and / or doctoral thesis, conducted at the Institute, Project refers to the term project in non-thesis master's programs conducted at the Institute, Thesis Writing Manuel refers to this Thesis Writing Manuel. 

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