The Relationship Between Risk, Issue, and Crisis Management



Your Company’s Risk, Issue and Crisis Management 

We have covered some core themes in class so far, namely: 

The Relationship Between Risk, Issue, and Crisis Management

Risk Management

Issue Management 

Crisis Management

With YOUR selected and approved Company begin the Chapter Content Review

Throughout the semester on a regular basis, you will be expected to apply the chapter content to your selected company. The objective is to get you to “see” how the concepts are applied in a real company. Conducting research on your selected and approved company you will explain how the firm is applying/has applied/used or has dealt with the chapter material discussed. The exercise is analysis rather than regurgitation of chapter content.  In other words, please don’t restate the chapter content.


After, researching your selected company, offer an analysis of your company, to answer the questions below.  Please make use of the Data Bases available at Centennial to focus your research and reduce the amount of time wasted on Google.  Are you making use of the “Information and resources for completing written assignments”?

a) Identify several examples of “crises” for your firm which occurred in recent years.  Were they Preventable, Strategic or External risks?

b) Using one of those “crises”, briefly explain it in terms of the Four Crisis Stages. 

c) Do you believe your firm used any of the Five Practical Steps in Managing Crises? 

d) Which of the major stages in the issue management process do you think is the most important? 


• Remember I want analysis, not repetition of theory. Apply the concepts we discussed in the chapter. 

• Required length is 800 +/- 50 words. ~2-3 pages, double-spaced, size 11 font. 

• The report must be written and referenced using the APA format.

• Turnitin is activated on the drop box and will run an originality scan on your report. 

• Please include a cover page with the subject, course, your name and student number, instructor’s name and school name, properly laid out. (see sample that follows). 


Submit your Review Report into the eCentennial Review Report -5 drop-box. 

Deadline: The report MUST BE submitted by the assigned due date posted on the course.

The late policy is available on the "Evaluation Scheme" page of the orientation module. It reads:  Late assignments will be accepted for 7 days after the due date has passed. Assignments will not be accepted past the 7-day limit. Late assignments face a 25% penalty regardless of how many days late they are.


The grading rubric for this paper is presented as a separate graphic in Week 1 contents. 

Instruction Files

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