IA Topics of (MA English) Semester I and III for the year 2019-20 LLC I
a. The Nun's Priest‟s Tale and medieval dream theories.
b. Animals in medieval satire.
c. The Second Shepherds' Play as a parody of the Nativity.
d. The relationship between The Second Shepherds' Play's two main episodes: the Bethlehem visitation and the Mak subplot.
e. Religious Vision in Piers Plowman. f. The quest for salvation in Piers Plowman
g. The exchanges of Abelard and Heloise as classic examples of Medieval Romance.
h. „Satan is the most well-developed character in Paradise Lost.‟ Comment. LLC
II a. The persona of More in Utopia Book 1
b. Social and political criticism in Utopia Book 1
c. Belphoebe in The Faerie Queene Book III
d. The April Eclogue‟s complex peroration of Elizabeth I
e. Shakespeare‟s idea of beauty in the sonnets
f. Donne‟s idea of love
g. Beelzebub
h. Pandemonium
i. Shakespeare celebrates the frenetic pace of modern life in the Sonnets.
j. Montaigne is simultaneously skeptical and judgemental in Apologie de
Raimond Sebond. Discuss.
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