The report should have an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.





You are required to write a report addressing the requirement listed below. The report should have an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.


Details of the task




Jason was studying for a degree in Business at University and was in his final year. Unsure of what to do in the future, his mother suggested that he studied law. Last spring his mother contacted him and promised him £25,000 if he attended University of West London. Jason applied for a place on the Graduate Diploma in law (a law conversion course for postgraduates) and was accepted. He began his studies there last September.


One day Jason decided to visit Westfield to buy some trainers. Browsing in Office (a shoe store), he saw a pair of designer trainers (with a price tag attached saying £90). He always wanted a pair of these particular trainers but could never afford them, so thinking that the trainers were on sale he tried them on. When he got to the till the cashier informed him that the trainers were £350. Jason refused to pay the £350 and claimed that he was entitled to pay only £90.


During the Christmas break Jason visited his parents, to be told by his mother “I have heard all about the wild things going on at University of West London. I don’t think you should go there any more”. Jason tried to reassure his mother about the quality of the legal education he was receiving but Jason’s mother is now refusing to pay him the £25,000. Jason is thinking of suing his mother.


After the Christmas break Jason decided to join his local gym (Gym 24/7) and noticed the following advertisement on its website:


Fantastic offer: free membership for the next three months to the first 10 people that complete 20 press ups in 60 seconds on 1st January.


Jason attended the gym on the 1st January and was the first person to complete the challenge, Gym 24/7 is now refusing to honour his free three month membership

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