The research paper for this residency requirement is intended to provide you with the opportunity to fully explore an organization or company that suffered a catastrophic cyber event, as well as examine it from a more empirical perspective. The details fo

computer science


The research paper for this residency requirement is intended to provide you with the opportunity to fully explore an organization or company that suffered a catastrophic cyber event, as well as examine it from a more empirical perspective. The details for this assignment are found below.

The topic of the Group's research paper must be pre-approved by emailing the professor by the end of the first day of residency. By doing so, your group will receive permission to proceed. The group research paper will consist of a 20-page paper at a minimum; not counting the title page, reference pages, and graphs/tables/figures used for the research. The research paper will be written in APA pertaining to a quality management or risk management issue-specific topic -specifically relating to course content found in the textbook.

Here are detailed instructions:

1. Choose an organization, company or agency that suffered a cyber-related attack within the past 5 years.

2. Discuss in your paper the specifics of the attack and how it negatively affected the organization. Make sure you site your source and use in-text citations.

3. Use a table, figure, or any other method to outline or display the type/s of attack/s that occurred and what security controls potentially may have failed the organization.

4. Articulate in your paper what the group believes could have prevented the reported cyber-attack, and, specifically relate this to two or more learning objectives from our course. Note: I will be paying close attention to this part of the research paper! Therefore, fully discuss this portion in your writings. Use tables/graphs, etc., as necessary.

5. Continually tie your findings to the learning objectives of our course. Therefore, saying this, our textbook will be one of your sources to be used for this assignment.

Things to do:

  1. Find and review articles, online books, and other information to use for background and specific information for your research paper.
  2. Write the paper with this general template:

a.        Title paper with each group member name that participated throughout the research

b.       Summarize and then describe the organization/company; including details of the cyber-related incident

c.        Critically analyze your research topic; synthesize findings from your sources and tie them to our textbook

d.       Propose what security controls, processes or mechanisms that could have prevented the cyber-related incident

e.        Conclude your research paper with lessons learned by each group member from lessons learned from this class, your research and your group’s proposed prevention recommendation.

Administrative grading guidelines:

1.  Writing Style (i.e., professional writing with consideration given to spelling, grammar, format, references and page count): 20%.

2.  Content (i.e., addressing all portions of the presented topic, using main points and subpoints as needed): 70%

3.  Group will ensure are properly cited and referenced. Make sure to use at least 10 credible sources. Note: Wikipedia and other general Internet sources are not allowed. Further, the sources must be within the past 5 years: 10%.

Good writing tips:

1. Use other literature reviews and articles as a guide quotation: Quotations should generally not be used

2. Voice: Avoid 1st Person

3. Avoid Slang; Use Professional Language

4. Organize the Paper by Topics not Chronology

5. Be Concise. Delete unnecessary words, phrases, and sentences to drastically improve your writing. Scientific writing is concise and to-the-point!

6. Revise and Rewrite as necessary

7. Citations: It is imperative that you use good citation habits. It is plagiarism to use other writers’ words and ideas. Reword it if used in your research and apply the necessary in-text citation

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