The student examines the application of the tools and methods of research to management problems. The course focuses on the nature of research; the use of research in decision making; decision making; research concepts and methods for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data from surveys, experiments, and observational studies; and the evaluation, use, and presentation of research findings.
File and Writing Format
If possible, dropbox submissions should be in .doc files. To ensure submissions open, when using Microsoft Word 2007 or above,
try to remember to save as Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document (.doc). The new .docx files sometimes have compatibility
issues. If you do not have Microsoft Word and are incapable of submitting in this format, in your word processor, please save the
file as an .rtf (rich text format) and submit
Assignments should be double spaced in New Times Roman 12 with 1 inch margins. When using (citing) sources outside of
materials provided in this class, please make sure they are quality and reliable sources (Wikipedia is not acceptable). Students
should follow Turabian writing guidelines and always provide a title page and reference page.
Late Submission of Course Materials:
Non-penalized (excused) extensions/make-up work will only be given based upon documented approved extenuating
circumstances. Unexcused late submissions will result in an assignment grade of zero (0%).
Classroom Rules of Conduct:
Everyone's comments are important. The diversity of the experience among members of your class will enhance learning. All
students will be treated equitably within the classroom. Discussion and all communications are required to be respectful.
Inappropriate language will not be tolerated, and your professor determines what is inappropriate. Students not treating the
professor and/or classmates with respect are subject to discipline or dismissal from the course and/or program.
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