The study measures openness to sexual diversity, personality traits, as well as certain socio-demographic characteristics.




The study measures openness to sexual diversity, personality traits, as well as certain socio-demographic characteristics. The sample is made up of 439 adults living in Quebec. Recruitment was done via social media by sharing a participation ad. Those who agreed to take part in the study were asked to complete an online questionnaire lasting about 10 minutes. An online consent form - explaining the rules of confidentiality and data anonymization - was also completed by all those who participated in the study.


Description of variables in the questionnaire


Participant identification number.

           Definition : The name of each participant has been replaced by a number.

Item : id


Sociodemographic variables.

Definition :  See details of the labels of each variable directly in SPSS.

Items : gender, age, marital, child, middle, schooling


Knowledge of gay or lesbian people.

Définition : Knowledge of at least one gay or lesbian person around. If so, the link (s) maintained with this person (s).

·         No knowledge of a gay, lesbian or bisexual person around= 0

·         Distant knowledge (neighbor, work colleague, distant family, etc.) = 1

·         Close acquaintance (part of my close circle of friends, someone I see regularly, etc.)= 2

·         Member of my close family (father, mother, siblings, etc.)= 3


* Please note: if more than one answer, only the highest figure is retained.

Item : knowledge



Optimism scale


Definition :
Optimism represents the ability of individuals to anticipate positive times even when they are experiencing difficulties. The questionnaire is made up of six items. A high score represents high optimism and a low score represents low optimism. The overall score is obtained by calculating the average of the items on the scale.


Items (pay attention to items to recode) : op1, Rop2, op3, Rop4, op5, Rop6

Text Box: I recoded the inverted items, created the continuous variables and a categorical variable. I have divided the categorical variable "age" into 5 generations. Basically, there were people between 18 and 86 years old. So, the only way I thought we could create groups would be across generations (silent generations, baby boomers, gen X, millennials, and gen Z).
Text Box: The value of 6 for the education variable meant "post-doctorate". This choice must also be added to the questionnaire.




Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)

Definition : This scale measures the positive and negative affects experienced. Positive affect represents a positive experience. The higher the score on this scale, the more enthusiastic and active the person feels. Negative affect is defined as a state that includes a set of negative emotions. A high score on this scale represents an unpleasant state of engagement. For each of the sub-scales, the overall score is obtained by calculating the average of the items.


Positive affect. The overall score is obtained by calculating the average of the items on the subscale, Items: pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4, pos5, pos6, pos7, pos8, pos9, pos10

Affect Negative. The overall score is obtained by calculating the average of the items on the subscale, Items: neg1, neg2, neg3, neg4, neg5, neg6, neg7, neg8, neg9, neg10


Life satisfaction scale.

Definition : Life satisfaction is defined as "an overall assessment of a person's quality of life according to their own criteria". The instrument includes five items that prompt the respondent to make a comprehensive assessment of his life. A high score represents high life satisfaction and a low score represents low life satisfaction. The overall score is obtained by calculating the average of the items on the scale.

Items: sat1, sat2, sat3, sat4, sat5


Social dominance orientation scale

Definition :  The 10-item scale measures the degree to which individuals condone the dominance of their home group over any other outgroup. The higher the overall score, the higher the orientation to social dominance. The overall score is obtained by calculating the average of the items on the scale

Items (pay attention to the items to recode) : dom1, dom2, dom3, Rdom4, Rdom5, dom6, Rdom7, Rdom8, dom9, dom10


Social desirability scale

The 10-item scale measures the tendency to respond in a way that gives socially acceptable answers. One point is given for each statement where the participant writes the most socially expected answer. The higher the overall score, the higher the tendency towards social desirability. The overall score is obtained by calculating the average of the items on the scale.

Items: m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10


Scale of openness to sexual diversity

The 18-item scale measures attitudes towards sexual diversity (homosexuality). A high score represents a favorable attitude towards sexual diversity and a low score represents a negative attitude towards sexual diversity. The overall score is obtained by calculating the average of the items on the scale.

Items (pay attention to the items to recode): Rdiv1, Rdiv2, div3, div4, div5, div6, Rdiv7, div8, div9, div10, Rdiv11, div12, div13, div14, Rdiv15, Rdiv16, div17, div18

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