The task prescribes a particular moment in the text (which may be the end of the text).



Empathic response 25 possible marks

• 600–1000 words.

• Assumes the voice of one character in a novel or a play.

• The task prescribes a particular moment in the text (which may be the end of the text).

• The text must not be on the examination (Paper 3) or the same text as for the critical essay (written assignment 1)

Each written assignment must be based on the study of one complete text of world literature. These texts should be equivalent in scope and demand to a set text on Paper 3.

• A written assignment above the upper limit (i.e. 1200 words for written assignment 1, 1000 words for written assignment 2) must not be submitted.

• The two written assignments must be based on different texts. These must not be by an author chosen for Paper 3, and should be drawn from different countries/cultures to that. (For Paper 3 texts, see Section 5.3 below.)

Assignment 2 must be an empathic response piece. Empathic assignments will test knowledge, understanding and response, but give candidates the opportunity to engage more imaginatively with a text by assuming a suitable ‘voice’ (i.e. a manner of speaking for a specific character) at a particular moment in their chosen novel or play.

• Assignments may be handwritten, typed or word processed. They must be securely fastened and clearly marked with the candidate’s name, number and the centre number.

• The full wording of the task, including the character name and chosen moment for assignment 2, must be included at the start of an assignment.

• A completed Candidate Record Card must be included with each portfolio.

• The phrasing of each assignment’s title must allow for assessment in relation to the relevant Assessment Objectives.

Drafting written assignments

• A general discussion on the progress of assignments is a natural part of the teacher/candidate relationship, as it is for other parts of the exam. In addition, if plans and first drafts are completed under teacher supervision, then teachers can be reassured of the authenticity of the final assignment.

• Teachers should not, however, mark, correct or edit draft assignment material; candidates can certainly draft and redraft work, but teachers should give only general guidance during this phase.

Checking portfolios for authenticity

• It is the centre’s responsibility to make sure all Coursework is the candidate’s original work. Where appropriate, candidates should provide references to any secondary source material used, listing these at the end of the assignment

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