The template is provided as a reference only. For each item, If you find some sections not relevant to your business plan, you may modify, replace or combine it to respond to your needs and preferred style.



Business plan Report Instruction and template


The template is provided as a reference only.  For each item, If you find some sections not relevant to your business plan, you may modify, replace or combine it to respond to your needs and preferred style. 

Ideas for what to write were provided (in red) for every section. Delete this page as well as the instructions provided in every section, before finalizing and submitting your business plan. 

This instruction has been taken by using BDC business plan template; You may encounter formatting and other problems if you are using other software. You can submit your assignment in Word or PDF 

Write simply and concisely. Consider using bullets instead of paragraphs. 

It is best to avoid repetition as much as possible. 

Apart from the assignment, consider that your business plan is not a static document. You will need to review it regularly and adjust it to reflect changing conditions.

You must provide your reference list in APA style.  

Overall pages of your business plan report must be between 20-30 pages in compliance with APA style, excluding the front page.  

Prepare and submit your presentation file via Moodle as per the deadline 

Consider that this assignment is 20% of your grade and will be the basis of your final presentation which is another 20% of your grade. 

Instruction Files

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