ERP Implementation in Higher Education: An
Account of Pre-Implementation
Implementation Phases (ITJ3153)
1. Before talking about the specific issues of implementing the ERP system
at Agora University tell your audience what ERP is and what is its role in
business process redesign (BPR).
The textbook
offers the basic answers, there is a lot of information available on Internet
(choose reputable sources and give the links as reference if you use them).
Those with any related personal work experience are encouraged to add it to
this section too.
2. Now tell your audience whether there was a genuine justification for the
ERP implementation project at Agora University? Whatever your opinion is, give the supporting arguments.
3. Discuss the precedence of the three main criteria – technology, cost,
and functionalities – in the selection process of the ERP system in this case.
4. Using the list of factors that could lead to ERP implementation failure
discussed in the theoretical background, use the discussion in the case to
predict whether the ERP implementation in this case will succeed or fail.
5. This case presents in detail the pre-implementation & implementation
phases the institution went through for this project. Relate it to the material
covered this semester about the systems analysis processes and list as many as
you can identify. State the phase name as learned, and then describe what Agora
University did for that phase.
For example, for
the Scope Definition Phase Agora University did ….; as the case may be, you can
be even more specific, like: Identify Baseline Problems and Opportunities,
Negotiate Baseline Scope etc.
6. Each of the questions for this case requires a more involved and
detailed answer. When you make a statement, give supportive explanation,
description, reference, whatever the case may be. Imagine that you present the
case to an audience when answering the questions.
7. Bonus (optional): What was interesting for you in this case study?
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