The title “Executive Summary” is at the top of the second page of your curriculum technology proposal paper. It is not bolded, underlined or italicized.



Executive Summary

The title “Executive Summary” is at the top of the second page of your curriculum technology proposal paper. It is not bolded, underlined or italicized. While there are no specific APA formatting requirements for an executive summary, you will need to make sure you use the same APA formatting required for your paper. For this proposal paper, your executive summary should be no longer than one page in length.

An executive summary is a synthesis of key points from your proposal paper.  It is finalized after you have completed writing your proposal and is considered a stand-alone document. After completing each level 1 section in your paper, enter summary information as a brief paragraph in your executive summary so you can refer to it after you have completed your proposal. Your executive summary should be concise with sufficient detail and clarity to allow the reader to make decisions regarding your proposal. Oftentimes, the executive summary is the only part of a proposal that is read.

An executive summary is similar to an abstract; however, there are distinct differences.  For example, in an abstract, the author’s recommendations are not included while in an executive summary they should be included.  Remember, you want to grab the attention of the readers and convince them that they should accept your proposal for a curriculum technology.

For additional information on writing executive summaries, please refer to


Title of Your Curriculum Technology Proposal

            This template provides a guide for a graduate-level scholarly technology proposal paper that requires APA style and formatting (American Psychological Association, 2010).  The recommended font style is Times New Roman, and the font size is 12. Margins are set at 1 inch for top, bottom, left, and right. Always begin your paper with an introductory paragraph or section that includes the purpose of your paper. This first section is considered your “Introduction”; however, the heading should be your title, as it is implied that this is your introduction. The title of your paper should be centered in sentence font and should not be bolded.  

            Your introduction should introduce the reader to your topic and provide the rationale for your technology proposal. Present background information on the problem your proposal will address in this section. Include the theoretical framework that will underlie your project, which can be a nursing, education, change or technology theory. The theoretical framework you select must be relevant to the topic of your proposal and/or the process of developing your curriculum change, innovation, or improvement. The introduction section should end with the purpose of your curriculum proposal. 

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