The title of your presentation is "Water: An Overlooked Essential Nutrient." A law firm has requested that you introduce yourself, explain why you are at the firm, and discuss the value of hydration. Once those elements have been addressed, the go



The title of your presentation is "Water: An Overlooked Essential Nutrient." A law firm has requested that you introduce yourself, explain why you are at the firm, and discuss the value of hydration. Once those elements have been addressed, the goal of this iLab is to create an essay or handout that compares water, Gatorade, and Powerade on the following categories. Daily recommendations Nutrient content Varieties/sources Cost Advantages of consumption (include research reviews) Safety levels Disadvantages of consumption (include research reviews) Conclusion Ultimately, you need to make a recommendation on which beverage meets the needs of the law firm, and you need to back your recommendation with three pieces of evidence. Not really a word limit, just make sure all sections have been addressed. I have attached an example of the ilab. It is to be used as an example only. thanks

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