need help getting started on a research paper. The topic is the Fall of the Giants from Mount Olympus by Giulio Romano. Below, are the requirements given by the professor.
Paper Requirements:
Selection of work of art
The work of art must be a work from the Gardner text, which students selected at the beginning of the semester.
1. The paper should be four pages in length.
2. You must use a one-inch margin, Times Roman font, 12-point typeface.
3. At the top of the paper, please put your name, followed by the artist, title, date, medium, and period style of the work you have chosen. This should be single-spaced.
4. The title of the work of art should be italicized throughout your text.
5. The text of your paper should be double-spaced. This applies to the spacing between paragraphs too.
6. Please follow the sequence of the mandatory components listed below in your paper: Introductory paragraph, visual analysis, context, response, endnotes, bibliography, and image.
Mandatory components
1. Introductory paragraph:
Introduce the work of art you have selected and provided a clear and precise SPRING 201712thesis statement.
2. Brief biography of the artist.
3. Brief analyses of iconography and formal analysis:
Iconography: Begin by visually describing what you see. Identify and discuss the subject of your work utilizing appropriate sources (i.e. Bible, mythological texts, and historical accounts). Identify, analyze and explain the various objects and/or figures and their significance to the story. Is there anything within the work that does not correspond to the story as recounted by your source?
Formal Analysis: Now describe and analyze the formal elements of the composition. For painting you should consider: size, composition, line, color,texture, treatment of light/shadow, perspective, etc; for sculpture: size, relief qualities, proportion of figures or forms, perspective, finish (texture), color (if applicable), etc; for architecture: plan of building, size, proportion,architectural elements, color (if applicable), material, etc. Possible questions to consider: If the work shows natural objects, do they look realistic, why or why not? How is the work composed, what is the focal point of the work or what are the dominant elements of the work? Do not worry about the subject. Just describe the formal elements that you see. Do not search for or read descriptions of your work by other scholars. The objective of this part of the paper is for you to describe articulately what you see.
4. Brief discussion of the social-historical context in which the work was created.
How is the context important to our understanding of the subject of your paper?
5. Support for your thesis:
Based on your research, provide evidence that supports your thesis. Remember to reference your information with endnotes.
6. Conclusion:
Provide a strong closing paragraph that restates your thesis and what you have demonstrated in your paper.
7. Endnotes and bibliography:
Your paper must have citations (endnotes), and a bibliography. The endnotes and bibliography must be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style’s humanities guidelines. A Chicago Manual of Style for citations is available for your reference on Blackboard under the “Chicago Style” tab. You must utilize at least four sources (other than your textbook) – at least two printed books (one published within the last 10 years) and two electronic or print journal articles from peer-reviewed journals – for your paper. The endnotes and bibliography will NOT be counted towards the page requirement for the paper.
8. Image and its caption
Use the format of the caption in the Gardner text: artist, title (in italics), date, medium, dimensions, and repository of the image.
9. Images of other works of art
Include images of other works of art that illustrate different points of your argument. Each work should have its own caption.
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