The topic of the project focusses on
the issue of the International Economic Law. It investigates the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision. The matter includes the BCBS place in
governance and international economic law.
The purpose of this study is to examine the legal
nature of standards, legitimacy and effectiveness of regulatory outputs of the
judicial branch of globalisation has been restive. Alvarez (2002) argued that
the international judiciary has now 200 strong members across some seventeen
international tribunals. Also, they have been increasingly proficient in
cross-disciplinary divisions to pass on the consistency of domestic-law with
international Rules. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Arbitral
panels, started to issue decisions on regulatory, under (Chapter 11). The Panel
has now been passing judgment on Customary Law Status of Precautionary
Pauwelyn at el (2012) defined
‘informal international lawmaking’ as follows: “cross-border cooperation
between public authorities with or without the participation of private actors
and international organisations, in a forum other than a traditional
international organisation process of informality. Also, informal international
law-making has been between actors other than traditional diplomatic actors
such as regulators and agencies. It does not result in a formal Treaty or other
traditional sources of international law.
In international law, there is neither
an International Legislative Body corresponding to a National Parliament or a
System of Universal Judicial Jurisdiction. In the municipal level, disputes
have been addressed under the interpretation of recognised Rules. However, at
the international level, Secondary Rules are reflected in international law as
Sources of International Law.
Treaties and Provisions have been considered as soft because they do not
involve clear and specific legal commitments nor impose real obligations on the
Parties. The vagueness of a Convention and Provision may deprive these
instruments of the character of hard law. However, under (Article 26) of the
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) (1969), as a legal form,
Treaties are always binding upon the parties. In addition, (Article 2) (1) (a)
of the VCLT (1969)
On the other hand, the traditional mechanisms
of international law-making, for example, the list of sources of international
law enumerated in (Article 38) of the Statute of the
International Court of Justice 1945 have not evolved at the same rate as
the expansion of its scope and proliferation of its actors. (Article 38 (1))
states that the Court function is to decide and apply dispute as sent following
international law principles:
Must apply international Conventions,
whether general or and prove rules expressly recognised by the contesting
Need to apply international custom, as
evidence of a general practice accepted as law.
And general principles of law
recognised by civilised nations.
According to Thurer (2010), soft
law refers to international norms and instruments that are deliberately
non-binding in character but still have legal relevance, found in the between
law and politics.
This is not surprising, given that soft law,
as a category of norms it is a doctrinal creation, which has no ground in
positive law. (Article 38(1)) of the ICJ Statute makes no reference to soft law
as a source of international law.
The enforcement of soft law refers to
either non-binding conciliation before an independent third party. Also, it can
be referred to a non-binding compliance procedure that aims to find an agreed
solution rather than to engage in adversarial litigation or reparation. Soft
enforcement characteristically evades issues of responsibility for the breach
and relies on a combination of inducements such as termination or suspension of
Treaty rights to secure compliance.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
(BCBS) is a pivotal standard-setter in the banking sector, mandated to
strengthen the regulation, supervision, and practices of banks worldwide. It
has a specific focus on large, internationally active banks. Membership in the
BCBS is restricted to several central banks and banking supervisors from
currently 28 jurisdictions. Its 45 members include central banks and bank
The BCBS work in practice very much as
a network of experts in banking supervision taking also into account that any agreement
among them requires consensus. However, there has been some sign in some
authority of wanting to have a stronger political say in these negotiations.
The Basel Committee checks the prompt
adoption of regulations by its members, assesses the regulations' consistency
with the Basel framework and examines the consistency of banks' calculation of
the prudential ratios across jurisdictions through its Regulatory Consistency
Assessment Programme (RCAP). Also, the RCAP assists Member jurisdictions to
find and assess the materiality of any deviations from the Basel framework.
The Basel Accord III replaced Basel II
following the 2008 financial crisis. In 1999, the BCBS released a proposal to amend
the original framework of the Accord for setting capital charges on credit
risk. Dewatripont and Tirole (1993)
affirmed that there are needs to regulate banks because of the problem of
corporate governance that emerged from the separation of ownership from the
management of banks. They noted that bank managers do not care about monetary
incentives, but they enjoy private benefits from running a bank in the absence
of interference.
The Basel Capital Accord 1988
established international capital requirements for banks. In April 1993,
following the failure of the Basel-IOSCO initiative, the Basel Committee
released a package of proposed amendments to Basel I. Primarily, these proposed
minimum capital requirements for banks’ market risk. The proposal conformed to
Europe’s Capital Adequacy Directive (CAD).
In 1992, the Basel Committee has
developed requirements of the Agreement to be the applicable law in G-10
countries. The banks in Japan have permitted an extended transition period. In
the mid-2000s, the Basel Accord I was supplanted by the Basel Accord II.
In 1996, the Basel Committee’s adopted
a new proposal as an amendment to Basel I, it went into effect in 1998. In
April 1995, the Basel Committee released a revised proposal. This made several
changes, including the extension of market risk capital requirements to cover
organisation-wide commodities exposures.
International Standards play a key
role in promoting the stability and efficiency of the global financial market.
In a competitive environment, jurisdictions may opt to underbid each other in
lowering prudential requirements to be more attractive to foreign financial
companies. The fragmented global regulatory framework might hinder the trust in
the global financial system, it includes the ability of nations to rely on each
other’s systems. This rationale underpins the multilateral approach to
financial regulations and establishment of international standards-setting
bodies such as the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the FSB.
Significant deviations from international standards by its member’s
jurisdictions would undermine the global standard-setting process.
The BCBS and FSB developed and agreed
upon certain standards, but they do not have legal enforcement power. The BCBS
has in place an implementation program called Regulatory Consistency Assessment
Program (RCAP) based on peer reviews and disclosure. The consistency
implementation on time by member states has been key to support the
international recognition of the standards.
Furthermore, the international
standard’s permits adaptation and tailoring that can be used to prove a
proportional regulatory regime. There are a few international standards such as
the BCP have been expressed as Principles or High-Level elements that allow
jurisdictions to define implementation details according to their specific
characteristics. For example, the Basel III contains provisions that allow
jurisdictions to accommodate different practices of external credit rating
agencies and different options that treat to exposures public sector entities,
banks and commercial real estate.
The Financial Stability Board (FSB)
priorities work for 2020 reflect the evolving nature of the global financial
system and associated risks to financial stability. The FSB will reinforce its
forward-looking monitoring of developments to find, assess and address new and
emerging vulnerabilities. The FSB coordinates the work of national financial
authorities and international standard-setting bodies. It develops and promotes
the implementation of effective regulatory, supervisory and other financial
sector policies in the interest of financial stability. The FSB has been
present in Twenty-four countries jurisdictions to bring together national
authorities responsible for the financial stability of international financial
institutions, international group’s regulators, supervisors and committees of
central bank experts.
Also, the FSB conducts outreach with
seventy other jurisdictions through its six Regional Consultative Groups. The
FSB has been chaired by Randal K. Quarles, Governor and Vice Chairman for Supervision
of the USA Federal Reserve. Its Vice-Chair has been Klaus Knot, President of De
Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). The DNB IS the Central Bank of the Netherlands. The FSB Secretariat has been in Basel,
Switzerland. It’s hosted by the Bank for International Settlements.
In 2018, the Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision published Frameworks for early supervisory intervention on
how supervisors around the world have adopted frameworks, processes, and tools
to support early supervisory intervention. Since 2007 to 2009 global financial
crisis, supervisory authorities have increasingly focused their attention on
how early supervisory intervention can promote financial stability by reducing
the probability and impact of a bank failure. Also, there is a common
recognition that for supervision to work effectively, identify and intervene at
an early stage are important to prevent problems from escalating.
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