The Use and Impact of Correctional Programming for Inmates on Pre- and Post-Release Outcomes



Project Objectives

  • to research correctional systems to determine correctional best practices for particular program areas
  • to synthesize program elements and structures to provide the basis for a program considered to be using best practices
  • Correctional Mental Health
  • Correctional Health Care
  • Correctional Education
  • Correctional Substance Abuse
  • Reentry Programs
  • Parole and Probations Supervision
  • Correctional Sex Offender Programs
  • Paper should be a minimum of 750 words (or about three pages) in American Psychological Association (APA) format
  • Double space, 12 pt. font, 1” margins
  • In the narrative portion of the paper, use APA citations for all sources
  • Include a reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in word count)


Select a program area that you would like to explore to determine the best practices or exemplary programs operated by correctional systems.

Research the field of corrections, correctional journals, correctional periodicals, various departments of corrections, and other resources to identify exemplary correction programs for the area that you have selected.

Determine the elements of these programs that make them exemplary and would be considered "best practice" in the correctional field.

Write up your findings in a report that provides a description of the program, the elements that lead to the success of the program, and the program structure and design that provide for an effective and successful correctional program.

The possible best practices program choices:

If you have another area that you would like to explore for this project, contact the instructor for permission to research another program area.

Format Requirements

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