The[RD1] problem to be addressed by this study is inequality between the sexes[RD2] in collegiate athletics.



Problem Statement


   The[RD1]  problem to be addressed by this study is inequality between the sexes[RD2]  in collegiate athletics. Although the introduction of Title IX helped facilitate a change in some areas of collegiate athletics, it has not provided a conclusion to the issue at hand[RD3] . With the changing times and exuberant [RD4] amounts of money being poured[RD5]  into college programs and facilities, the gap between men’s and women’s athletics continues to widen. While the intend was to bring the men’s and women’s closer together [RD6] it appears the opposite has occurs. With over 80%  of educational institutions are not in compliance with the Title IX as it pertains to athletics, it seems as though the issue may never be resolve (WSF ,2019). [RD7] 

   It [RD8] is mathematically impossible for institutions and administrations to meet theses[RD9]  understanding of gender equity. So institutions and administrations are strapped giving more overall money to men than give more to women sports. This reason is why gender equity in sports is currently impossible (Gerstmann, 2019).

  The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act of 1994, made it mandatory for institutions and administrations receiving federal funds to make all gender-equality statistics about their athletic programs available to everyone (Ross, 2015).

  As Title IX prepares to celebrate its 40th anniversary this year, we[RD10]  believe that many women of our generation are ready to move beyond the comforting fiction that equality of opportunity, and rough parity with boys, is enough for female athletes. It's time to stop celebrating the raw numbers and to start figuring out how to improve the quality of women's athletic experiences (qt. [RD11] Ross, 2015).

 [RD1]Please address indenting

 [RD2]What do you mean by the sexes

 [RD3]Be sure to adhere to an academic tone in your writing. Avoid using jargon, informal/casual language, idiomatic expressions, or clichés in formal writing. 


•Avoid making broad generalizations (i.e., always, never). 

•Avoid using over-sweeping adjectives (outstanding, obvious). 

•Avoid using adverbs (really, clearly). 

•Avoid qualifiers or inexact language (a little, definitely).  Approximations of quantity (e.g., quite a large part, practically all, beautiful, or very few) are interpreted differently by different readers or in different contexts.  Approximations weaken statements.

•Avoid emotional language (It is heartbreaking that so many are starving). 

•Avoid inflammatory language (Smith’s study was terrible, sickening, sad).


 [RD4]Please address word choice

 [RD5]Please address word choice

 [RD6]What do you mean by closer together

 [RD7]Reading more like a magazine article then a problem statment

 [RD8]To avoid confusion, please do not start a sentence with a pronoun

 [RD9]Please give the document a solid edit

 [RD10]Who is we

 [RD11]What is this

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