There are three “design tasks” to be carried-out: one related to sensors, one to actuators, and the third to an overall system.



The Requirement: 

There are three “design tasks” to be carried-out: one related to sensors, one to actuators, and the third to an overall system. Your “solutions” to the tasks must be numbered appropriately so that it is clear to which part of the coursework they apply. The document must not exceed 10 sides of A4 (10 point text and 20mm margins minimum). This limit includes everything. Excess pages will not be marked. It is perfectly acceptable for hand drawn diagrams/sketches or calculations to be scanned and include in the document (of course these must be legible). 

Before the submission, please double check your pdf to ensure it prints ok for marking and that all graphs, diagrams etc are clearly readable.

Task 1

 There is a requirement for a sensor system to measure the position of an automotive damper during test (when various external forces are applied by machine). The required range of travel is ±100mm with an accuracy of 0.2mm. The bandwidth of the applied signals is 10Hz. You need to: 

a) Identify the key requirements for the position sensor, including any assumptions that you make; 

b) Identify suitable technology/device ranges (justify their inclusion on your list); 

c) Give details of your favoured solution and justify the selection you have made (identify the source catalogue, part numbers, etc).

Instruction Files

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