There are two parts to this assignment. The first part is composed of short answers to specific prompts.

computer science


Write a 3-4 page paper in APA format (not including the cover page and reference page).  

There are two parts to this assignment. The first part is composed of short answers to specific prompts. The second part is comprised of a report that you will write based on your understanding of the course concepts and some research that you will do.

Part 1: Short Answer

Short Answer:

1. Visit the following website:  After you enter the site, research one of the two methods to perform BPA scans on roles by using either the BPA GUI in Server Manager, or by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets. Explain how you can use best practices to manage server roles.

2.  Visit one of the following websites: or After you visit one of the websites, write a paragraph describing how the utility helps to verify system files.

3.  Visit the following website and watch the video from Microsoft’s™ Channel 9 titled “Ten Reasons you’ll love Windows Server 2016: Active Directory and Identity”: Then choose one of the reasons that you think is important and explain it.


Active Directory uses Kerberos transitive trust relationship for user authentication. Read more about Kerberos and write a report explaining how it works. Use the following link as starting point:

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