There is a separate workbook (Excel file) for each part of the exam. The core data is the same in each workbook.

data mining




-There is a separate workbook (Excel file) for each part of the exam.   The core data is the same in each workbook.  However, each workbook includes additional columns specific to that part of the exam.  Do not mix workbooks. 


-Remember to show your work in your workbook.  Note that the last question in each exam part instructs you to upload your corresponding workbook.


-As part of the project, you are asked to include screen snapshots in your b Course quiz submission.  You were asked to include screen snapshots in the last two recitation exercises.  Apply the same process.  Instructions are printed below. 


-Please Show workings and Visualizations in Excel workbook, Name the sheet based on to which the corresponding worksheet shows using Question no ex: Sheet 1-> Working for question no.5


Final Project part 1


For Part 1, use the excel file that states Part 1 UGBA 104 Spring 2020.xlsx


Q.2 Note that DepartureDelay greater than 0 indicates that a flight departs late.  Construct a new binary variable named DepDelayStatus, where 1 indicates a flight departs late, 0 otherwise.  Put the variable distribution in column M.  What is the formula that appears in cell M4.




Q.3 Note that DepartureDelay greater than 0 indicates that a flight departs late and. ArrivalDelay greater than 0 indicates that a flight arrives late.  How many flights did not have a late arrival?

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