There is an interesting data set created by the U.S. Social Security Agency

computer science


Introduction There is an interesting data set created by the U.S. Social Security Agency that stores the most popular first names of babies born in the U.S. since the 1880’s. You can information about it at We will be working with the most popular names for male and female babies in each decade from 1880 to 2010. The information will be contained in 14 files with the following names: 1880Names.txt 1890Names.txt 1900Names.txt 1910Names.txt 1920Names.txt 1930Names.txt 1940Names.txt 1950Names.txt 1960Names.txt 1970Names.txt 1980Names.txt 1990Names.txt 2000Names.txt 2010Names.txt File Description Each file contains 200 lines representing the top 200 names for male and female babies. The format of each line is as follows: 1 John 89,950 Mary 91,668 • [1] The first number is the rank, i.e. 1 means that these are the most popular male and female names in the decade from 1880 to 1889. • [John 89,950] This is followed by the male baby name and then the number of babies with that name born in the decade. • [Mary 91,668] The fourth item is the female baby name of rank 1, followed by the number of babies with that name.

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