There will not be much context here. This first week is meant to get up to speed, refresh the concepts of object orientation, and learn a bit about reflection. The code to write therefore is fairly simple, though not easy.

computer science


Assignment #1 - Reflection


There will not be much context here. This first week is meant to get up to speed, refresh the concepts of object orientation, and learn a bit about reflection. The code to write therefore is fairly simple, though not easy.


Copy the classes given for this assignment to a new project in order to have a testing domain. The classes are in a separate zip file.

Create a class with a main method. This class needs three methods on top of that:

The method disect(String className) accepts a full classname (for example domain.Address) and prints all details it can learn using reflection.

The method create(String className) accepts a full classname, and creates a new object for that class, using reflection classes to do so. You should not assume knowing what classnames will be passed, so hard coding a classname is not allowed. The created object is returned. In order to create an object, this method will use the constructor using the largest number of parameters, and adds random data to that.

Example one is creating a new Address object. Address uses ints and Strings in its constructors, so the create method invokes the constructor having six parameters, using random data.

Example two is creating a Customer object. A Customer also has an Address, so the create method calls itself again to get an Address object.

Creating objects this way will inevitably have exceptions, such as SecurityException and IllegalArgumentException. Catch those and handle them decently.

The method call(Object target) accepts an object, and then calls all public methods the object has. The results of those calls are stored in an array the size of the number of public methods, which is returned as a result. Use reflection all the time here.

Calling a method often will require passing parameters. Those parameters are never asked from the user, but generated at random using the create method.

Here there will be a lot of exceptions as well. Handle them decently.

Sample output


Giving results:

public Customer extends Person implements IBuyer, ISeller



private static int currentId

private final int customerId

private CreditRating creditRating

private List orders



public domain.Customer(String, LocalDate, Address)



public void decreaseeCreditRating()

public void increaseCreditRating()

public CreditRating getCreditRating()

public boolean buy(Product, ISeller, int)

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