They say it takes a village to raise a child—well, it takes practically a whole dang planet to write a book about folklore.

general article writing


They say it takes a village to raise a child—well, it takes practically a whole dang planet to write a book about folklore. This book is the result of a collaborative effort that included many more people than just the two of us, and we want to thank our friends, colleagues, families, collaborators and consultants. Pat Mullen, Amy Shuman and Dan Barnes introduced us to the fi eld of folklore and have provided much encouragement and support over the years (and have also shared good ideas, conversation, companionship, parties, stories and jokes). On this project, we are particularly grateful to Pat Mullen, who read drafts, asked tough questions, led us to important sources, and always put up with our pestering. Without his ongoing support and input, this book wouldn’t have been possible. Many thanks go to Cynthia Cox, who, through numerous conversations and initial planning sessions, helped get the idea for this book off the ground and onto the page. Sincere thanks go out to all our readers, whose questions and comments strengthened the fi nal text. Sue V. Lape read just about everything, at just about every stage, and provided invaluable feedback, Kevin Eyster read key chapter drafts, and Jacki Spangler read the very fi rst draft of the introduction and provided practical and emotional support throughout this project. Others who gave serious time and thought to the selections we asked them to read include Erik Bakstrom, Christopher Hyde, Rachel Neeb, Laura Roberts, Gary E. A. Saum, Katherine “Kd” Schuster, Tina Stall, Danny Tuss and Ohio Wesleyan University students from English 105 classes in Spring and Fall 2004. LIVING FOLKLORE x Many colleagues nudged this project forward. Our friends and co-workers at the Center for Folklore Studies at Ohio State, the Writing Workshop at Ohio State, and the Writing Center and English Department at Ohio Wesleyan University gave invaluable support. Barbara Pinkele from Ohio Wesleyan brainstormed titles and listened to ideas, and Katey Borland from Ohio State provided insight about the quinceanera (and was a congenial AFS roommate). Nan Johnson encouraged our commitment to the project and listened when we needed to be listened to. There are many others without whose input and support this work would have been more diffi cult. We thank Carol Singer, for “tradition.” Stauf’s/Cup o’ Joe provided good coffee and a great atmosphere in which to get work done— and the WiFi with which to do it. We also thank the yogis at Yoga on High and Lucinda Kirk (and the “Turning Point” workshop group) for pushing this work through. We extend thanks to those who shared their time, ideas, words and collections with us: Patrick Blake, for allowing us to use his essay on food traditions; Adriana Mancillas, for sharing her personal photos and feelings about her own quinceanera and the ritual itself; Charell Albert and Nina Gunnell for their consultation on insider language; Barb Vogel, for sharing her collection and photos of Mary Borkowski’s quilts; and Joyce and Alan Hersh, for sharing their dreidel collection. We especially thank the authors of our examples of projects—and their consultants—for so generously permitting us to include their work. We thank Steffani Pealer, Senior Coordinator of Greek Life at the Ohio State University, The Ohio State Offi ce of Student Affairs, and Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. for providing us with photos of the Ohio State step shows. Our families tolerated our schedules and supported us in this project in countless ways—both ordinary and extraordinary—that we promise did not always go unnoticed. Beyond their good-natured spousal behavior, Curtis Schieber gave us feedback on drafts and Brian Lovely provided much-needed technical support (and both supplied us with food and wine). And we give extra special thanks to Evan Schieber for his cookies and Flannery Stephens for tasting the Cottage Tuna Loaf. They also provided research and photography assistance—and generally kept us amused and on our toes. Michael Spooner at Utah State University Press had faith in us and stood by us throughout this project. We thank him for his sharp editorial eye and friendly encouragement, which kept us going and made this a better book.

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