Think up and write down a small number of queries for a web search engine. Make sure that the queries vary in length (i.e., they are not all one word).



Assignment One


Q1. Think up and write down a small number of queries for a web search engine. Make sure that the queries vary in length (i.e., they are not all one word). Try to specify exactly what information you are looking for in some of the queries. Run these queries on two commercial web search engines (such as google and Bing) and compare the top 10 results for each query by doing relevance judgments. Write a report that answers at least the following questions: What is the precision of the results? What is the overlap between the results for the two search engines? Is one search engine clearly better than the other? If so, by how much? How do short queries perform compared to long queries?


Q2. Use the “advanced search” feature of a web search engine to come up with three examples of searches using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT that work better than using the same query in the regular search box. Do you think the search engine is using a strict Boolean model of retrieval for the advanced search?


Q3. Write a simple single-threaded web crawler. Starting from a single input URL (perhaps a professor’s web page), the crawler should download a page and then wait at least five seconds before downloading the next page. Your program should find other pages to crawl by parsing link tags found in previously crawled documents.


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