This a business class that is related to critical thinking Please be advised that you have to follow all the exact guidelines that are given



This a business class that is related to critical thinking. Please be advised that you have to follow all the exact guidelines that are given in the following attachment that is called prompt and guidelines for the paper. In addition, it is a research paper and all the essay should be based on the guidelines provided please do what the professor asks for Please as I said before you have to flex exactly follow the guidelines on the prompt attached. If you have any questions about the assignment please let me know You have to read the article that is attached. Our professor is clearly stating at the beginning on the prompt and she is also saying. However, you also have to find outside resources too. You are an advisor to the CEO of Volkswagen, and he has asked you to read the attached article regarding recent recalls by the automobile manufacturer and to prepare a report in which you address the following: Identify and analyze the internal and external causes of the problem. Identify the scope of ramifications of this problem and the specific impacts on Volkswagen’s business, shareholders, and management. 3) Outline what steps Volkswagen has already taken in response to these issues and analyze whether its response is sufficient. Assuming you have the authority to implement the changes you recommend, how would you fix the problem? Which changes would you recommend? In addition to reviewing the attached article, you should also conduct outside research to familiarize yourself with and identify: the problem, the actual and potential fallout from the issues, Volkswagen’s initiatives and respond to the issues, and any other relevant information. Didn’t you read the prompt an article that I attached? Please let me know so I can send them to you

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