This assignment covers the standard error, confidence intervals, one-sample tests and two-sample tests (as bonus questions).



Assignment 3


This assignment covers the standard error, confidence intervals, one-sample tests and two-sample tests (as bonus questions). It is out of a total of 60 Marks (plus up to 10 percentage points in bonus marks for 3 bonus questions). Please show your work and complete each part in full using the appropriate test.





1.  Alcohol Consumption of Canadian Adults (22 total marks)

We have a random sample of 525 Canadian adults from our own research. We have collected data on their behaviour surrounding alcohol consumption, specifically the number of drinks consumed per week on average. We found that the mean for this group is 5.2 drinks per week with a standard deviation of

3.4  drinks. The Canadian Community Health Survey (from Statistics Canada) had a mean of 4 drinks per week for adult Canadians.


a.       What is the standard error of our statistic? (2 marks)


b.      How would the standard error change if the sample size was only 100? (2 marks)


c.       How would the standard error change if the sample size was 10 000? (2 marks)


d.      Draw the 3 sampling distributions for the 3 samples you’ve just calculated the standard error for. Draw in the mean, and the number associated with +/-1 standard deviation from the mean,

+/-2 SDs, and +/-3 SDs. (3 marks)


e.      What do b. through d. tell us about sampling distributions, efficiency and sample size? (2 marks)


f.        Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the sample of 525 respondents. (3 marks)


g.       Now calculate a 90% confidence interval and a 99% confidence interval for the same sample. (6 marks)


h.      Describe the size differences in the 3 intervals you’ve just calculated in f. and g. What does this tell us about the balance between risk that we are wrong, and level of precision of the intervals we create? (2 marks)


2.  Average commute times across Canadian cities (20 marks total + bonuses)

In a random sample of Canadian workers, we found average commute times for respondents working in various Canadian Cities. For the total population of Canadian workers, the average commute time was

24.6 minutes with a standard deviation of 3.1 minutes. At the top for specific cities was Toronto (N=371) with an average commute time of 52.6 minutes and a standard deviation of 9.8 minutes, followed by Oshawa (N = 152) at 41.6 minutes on average with a standard deviation of 3.3 minutes. At the other end, we find Thunder Bay (N=76) at 16.7 minutes with a standard deviation of 1.6 minutes followed by Moncton (N=32) at 17.7 minutes with a standard deviation of 2.0 minutes. Use an alpha of .01 for tests in this section.


a.       Are any of these specific cities significantly different from Canadian average commute times?

Note you should have 1 test for each city here. (20 marks)


b.      Is Toronto significantly higher than Oshawa in terms of average commute times? (bonus)


c.       Is Thunder Bay significantly lower than Moncton in terms of average commute times? (bonus)








3.  Sense of Community in London (18 total marks + bonus)

We are looking at 2 different neighborhoods in London Ontario and we are interested in sense of community belonging. One of the questions asked on a survey given out to respondents in each neighborhood asked whether they know at least one neighbor they could count on in an emergency. In Neighborhood 1 (N=139), 35% knew at least one neighbor in this way. In Neighborhood 2 (N=106), 39% did. For London as a whole, we know that 37% of respondents answered yes to this question as part of a recent National Survey.


a.       Create 99% confidence intervals for each of the two neighborhoods (6 marks)


b.      Do the intervals overlap? What does something like that tell us about differences between these neighborhoods? (2 marks)


c.       Is Neighborhood 1 significantly less likely to say yes to this question than Londoners overall? (5 marks)


d.      Is Neighborhood 2 significantly more likely to do so? (5 marks)


e.      Are the two neighborhoods significantly different from each other in the likelihood that they know at least one neighbor they can count on in an emergency? (bonus)

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