This assignment involves implementing a steganography system that hides a text message inside an image.

computer science


Overview and Learning Objectives: 

This assignment involves implementing a steganography system that hides a text message inside an image. In the examples below, the image on the left does not have a hidden message (that I am aware of), but the image on the right does. If you cannot tell the difference between these two images, that is the point of steganography.

Through the process of completing this assignment, you will practice making use of inheritance to extend the capabilities of some pre-existing class. You will also get more experience writing tests for your own code to help you gain confidence in its correctness.

1. Memeage Tests Create a new Java Project in Eclipse (using Java 8) that is called: P05 Memeage 5000. Add this provided source file to your project. Create a new class called Memeage Tests to define tests for this and other classes within this P05 project. Familiarize yourself with the provided Four Bytes class code. Focus your attention on the Java Doc descriptions, since the bit operations are NOT a topic that is covered in CS300. Implement the following test methods inside your Memeage Tests class. These tests should check the specific examples described in the provided Java Docs for each respective method. They should then return true when the method’s behavior matches the Java Doc example, and false otherwise.

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