This assignment is based on Course Learning Outcome: K1, K2, C1 Instructions: You are required to carry out this task individually and upload your report on the portal before due date of submission 15th August, 2016..



This assignment is based on Course Learning Outcome: K1, K2, C1 Instructions: You are required to carry out this task individually and upload your report on the portal before due date of submission 15th August, 2016.. If any two student work is found to be similar, both the students would be awarded ‘F’ grade. As per the University policy all take home assignment should go through TURNITIN plagiarism software for similarity. Last date for submitting this assignment is 15th August 2016. The report of the research assignment should be typed in Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5. Cover page should clearly indicate the Student ID and the student Name. You must show evidence of research for this assignment. It is recommended that you use journal articles, newspapers/magazines, websites and books. In doing so acknowledge all sources of any facts and ideas which are not your own. Each individual are required to upload the solved case study on the portal individually under his Name, Student ID and Section on first page. Name the file as your first name and ID. E.g.: Majid 1312070. For any work submitted after due date, one mark shall be deducted for each day from the awarded marks. No assignment shall be accepted after the final exam has started i.e. 24th August, 2016.

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