This assignment is in two parts. Part A relates to the use of a computer application, Power BI for ratio analysis and visualization and Part B relates to Accounting for Maori Business.



Assignment 2 Instructions


This assignment is in two parts. Part A relates to the use of a computer application, Power BI for ratio analysis and visualization and Part B relates to Accounting for Maori Business. Both parts have the common theme of analyzing and communicating financial information to interested parties.



How to Approach this Assignment


·                Download Power BI (Office 365) and watch the presentation “Power BI.Training”.

·                Study the relevant material in the text and make sure you understand the concepts covered.


Submitting the Assignment files


·                The assignment will result in 2 separate files; one Power BI file and one Word file.

·                There are separate submission points for each of the files, one for the Word file and one for the Power BI file. Ensure you submit the files in the correct submission points.

·                The marks and feedback files will be available in the submission point of the Word file.


Naming Convention and backups


a.         Use the following naming convention for the files that you create: use your Last Name and Student ID number as the name of the file [Do not change the file extension or you (and the marker) will not be able to use the file].  For example, if your Last Name is Smith and your Student ID number is 88888888; your files will be Smith88888888.pbix and Smith88888888.docx.

b.         Once you have started working on an assignment you should make backups. It pays to rename different versions of your work.  A simple way to do this is to use the Save as file instruction and add a number or letter to the end of the file name. (This allows you to go back to an earlier version.)




Part of this assignment requires you to complete tasks using Power BI Desktop. Please follow this link to download the program. It is a free to use program:


Power BI Download


Download the ‘Microsoft Power BI Desktop’ version or the ‘Microsoft Power BI Mobile’ version, depending on what device you will be working on.

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