This assignment provides practical experience parsing data files, working with a linked list and writing a data file.

computer science



This assignment provides practical experience parsing data files, working with a linked list and writing a data file.


Tasks and Rubric


Define a linked list produceItem node to include



    char produce[20];

    char type[20];

    char soldBy[20];

    float price;

    int quantityInStock;

    struct produceItem *next;



1.      Declare a global struct variable as the head of the linked list


- Provide the user a menu of the following options:

// call function to read in the data file

1. Stock Produce Department

// call function to display the data in the format shown in figure 

2. Display Produce Inventory

// call function to the elements to the output file

3.  Writing the linked list elements to output file Assignment7Output.txt

// exit the program

4. Exit Program


- Use a conditional statement to evaluate the user’s selection

-See Figure 1 for the output display

Test Case 1

Perform Test Case 1, results in expected outcome in Figure 1

Function to read the data file

Read in the contents of data file "Assignment7Input.txt" into the linked list

Test Case 2

Perform Test Case 1, results in expected outcome in Figure 2

Function to display the stack

Traverse the linked list and display the data of each node formatted as shown in Figure 2

Test Case 3

Perform Test Case 3, results in expected outcome in Figure 3

Function to output to file

Write the elements of the linked list to the output file

Test Case 4

Perform Test Case 4, results in expected outcome

Exit the program

Write the appropriate code to exit the program


Source compiles with no errors


Source runs with no errors


Source includes comments





Perform the following test cases

Test Cases



Expected outcome

Test case 1

Select option 1

Data file Assignment7Input.txt is read in, string tokenized; generated a linked list

Test case 2

Select option 2

Display the elements of the linked list, see Figure 2

Test case 3

Select option 3

Data file Assignment7Output.txt is written, see Figure 3

Test case 4

Select option 4

Program exits and quits


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