This assignment requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of the key concepts of Turing machines, universality, and computability.

computer science


1 Overview 

This assignment requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of the key concepts of Turing machines, universality, and computability. You are also required to report on some further experiments with the Platypus game.

2 Assessment details 

1. Turing machines (4+4+4+6 = 18 marks) Consider the Turing machine M1 below. You can download this from Canvas

(a) What language is accepted by M1? Explain your answer. Show some examples of strings accepted and rejected to justify your answer. You must show at least one accepted string of length at least 12, and at least one rejected string of length at least 12. (4 marks) 

(b) There are only three transitions in this machine that alter the symbol on the tape. These are below. 

Explain your answer. Show some examples of strings accepted and rejected to justify your answer. You must show at least one accepted string of length at least 12, and at least one rejected string of length at least 12.

(c) Give a deterministic machine equivalent to M1 (i.e. the machine in part a above). Give a description English explaining why it is equivalent. Use the same examples of strings accepted and rejected as in the first question above to support your answer.

(d) Consider the Turing machines M2 and M3 below. You can download these from Canvas here

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