This assignment tests your ability to correctly identify and apply statistical techniques, clearly present, describe and interpret results, and make meaningful managerial recommendations.



This assignment tests your ability to correctly identify and apply statistical techniques, clearly present, describe and interpret results, and make meaningful managerial recommendations. You will be graded on each of these concepts.


Always create your own tables to present the results. Simple copying and pasting the SPSS tables will reduce your grade (you may only copy/paste histograms from SPSS). First copying/pasting into Excel (or other) and then copying/pasting into your homework is the same thing. Be sure to create presentation quality tables from the raw data tables produced by SPSS. Presentation tables should NOT look like the SPSS data tables SCREEN SHOTS ARE NOT PERMITTED!!!!! Answers that use screenshots/pictures will automatically get a zero. This also means you cannot use Paste Special à Picture. Keep in mind that a table may not be necessary for every question.


Assume any data errors you discover are double-entries which should be corrected to single-entries (e.g., 44 should be 4). Not finding and correcting these errors means your other answers will probably be wrong. Be sure to properly list results (e.g., sort means in descending order, etc.) rather than a random (i.e., lack of meaning) order.


Download the SPSS file “Avery Fitness Center MR Fall 2018.sav” from Blackboard>Assignments. After making the corrections, save this file as “Corrected Your LastName.sav”. Refer to both the survey and codebook (Ch. 16) for guidance on the questions and coding. The class handouts and Chapters 17 and 18 provide examples of the needed techniques and interpretations. The class handouts and Chapters 19 and 20 provide guidance on how to best present your results. Unless specified otherwise, use an alpha of .05. Be sure to report all relevant values (e.g., chi-square, F statistics, T values, et cetera). Also use a 95% confidence level where appropriate unless told otherwise. The Guide to Using SPSS, the textbook, and the class handouts will help you use SPSS.


When done, submit a single Word document with your “lastname SPSS” in the filename on Blackboard>Assignments>SPSS Homework Submission. You MUST also insert the SPSS Output file to the end of this document (instructions are below). Failure to do so will result in a failing grade. If your answers do not match the output file you will lose 50 points.


NOTE: The results you get will be DIFFERENT from the exhibits in the book!


Remember to use relevant data to thoroughly explain and analyze your answers. In addition to the correct answers, you will be graded on the clarity of communication (e.g., use of full sentences rather than just numbers) including the appearance of exhibits (e.g. tables). Presenting the SPSS tables will lower your grade. The presentation-quality tables you submit should be created/modified in either Word or Excel (or similar). The tables should not look like the SPSS raw data tables. YOU CANNOT USE SCREEN SHOTS!!!!! This also means you cannot use Paste Special à Picture.


This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Sharing of answers, data, tables, analysis, et cetera is strictly prohibited. You cannot work together on the analysis of the data, creation of the tables, or any other component of this project. If you do then you are violating the Academic Integrity policy and subject to receiving a failing grade for the course. Your papers will be submitted through (via Blackboard) and checked for originality. Furthermore each file will be inspected for evidence of collaboration. This includes using and/or reviewing work from previous semesters or other courses.


Working side-by-side or sharing of files is a violation of the academic integrity policy and all parties involved will be reported to the Associate Provost. DO NOT allow someone else to have access to your files. You will be held responsible if someone else uses your file/work even if they do not have your permission. Violating the Academic Integrity policy may result in failing the course.


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