this assignment you are going to focus on: Electronegativity, Polar Bonds and Polar Molecules.



SCH3U Lesson Assignment 5


In this assignment you are going to focus on: Electronegativity, Polar Bonds and Polar Molecules.


Total Marks:    marks




After completing the lesson action section of your home page, you are ready to complete your lesson assignment.  Follow these steps.


a) In the textbox given, explain the strategy that you used to determine your answer.


b) Fill in your answer. The mark for each question is given at the introduction to the questions to be completed.


c) When finished answering all your questions, save your file and upload the file into the appropriate dropbox.





Part A: (The Concept): True/False (2 marks):  Answer each question given below by answering if the question is true or false.  In the textbox given, include your explanation for your choice.  Each question is worth two marks: one mark for the explanation and one mark for the correct answer.


1. Polar compounds are attracted to both positive and negative charges.




Part A (Understanding the Concepts): Multiple Choice:  (5 marks)  Each question is worth different marks according to the strategy used.  If calculations are required, the mark for the strategy will worth more marks and the final answer will be worth one mark.



__ __   1.   (three marks) According to Lewis theory, the number of lone pairs of electrons in the valence orbitals of a phosphorus atom is
















__ __   2.   (two marks) To explain the bending of a liquid stream by a charged rod, chemists use the theoretical concept of




covalent bonds


London dispersion forces


hydrogen bonds


polar molecules


ionic bonds




Part C (Putting the Concepts to Work):  Completion (  marks):  Using your reading, answer the following questions.  Give your answer as well as your strategy for determining your answer.  As part of your answer, give the page number in the reference material or the website that you used to find the answer to the question.




            1.   (two marks) A bond that is somewhere between an ionic bond and a covalent bond is called a ____________________ bond.




            2.   (eight marks)) For a science fair project, a student wants to design a simple device for removing certain gases from polluted air. He knows that polar molecules dissolve well in water, so he bubbles polluted air through a jug of water to remove unwanted gases. For his project, the student uses air containing the following gases:

1. N2(g)

5. CH4(g)

2. O2(g)

6. OCl2(g)

3. HF(g)

7. C3H8(g)

4. NH3(g)

8. CH3OCH3(g)


List the gases that will dissolve by writing down their corresponding numbers.

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