This course starts your software deployment journey by introducing the key programming concepts on which the rest of the course is built.

computer science



This course starts your software deployment journey by introducing the key programming concepts on which the rest of the course is built. The focus here is on a solid foundational knowledge of Python’s syntax and semantics. To evaluate progress and highlight any gaps in understanding, this problem sets will provide a set of challenging questions and programming situations, as well as ample time to reach an adequate solution to them

Aim: This problem set will gauge understanding on the correct use of variables and objects, data types and the ability to abstract data; as well as providing an framework to design, implement, test and debug programs that uses each of the following fundamental programming constructs: basic computation, simple I/O, standard conditional and iterative structures. To complete this coursework, you will design the behaviour of simple programs involving the fundamental programming constructs – variables, expressions, assignments, I/O, control constructs, expressions and assignments.

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