This document details the protocol for interacting with the NewBank server. A customer enters
the command below and sees the messages returned
Returns a list of all the customers accounts along with their current balance
e.g. Main: 1000.0
• As a system I want to allow customers to create multiple bank accounts
• As a customer I want to be able to withdraw cash from my bank account
• As a system I want to be able to store passwords securely so I can meet data privacy regulations
• As a customer I want to be able to create a user account and password
• As a customer I want to be able to log into New Bank
• As a customer I want to be able to loan to other customers
• As a customer I want to specify lending terms (period and interest rate)
• A borrower shall be able to agree or accept proposed terms before the loan commences
• Customers of the bank shall be able to run statements covering specific periods
• Customer accounts shall have a unique identifier
• The bank shall maintain a ledger/ database where all transactions are stored
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