This function takes a list and returns a 2-tuple (a tuple with two values) containing the first and last elements of the list. Assume the list is not empty.

computer science


1. first_last: (2 points) This function takes a list and returns a 2-tuple (a tuple with two values) containing the first and last elements of the list. Assume the list is not empty. Strive for a one-liner, just return SOMETHING.

2. dups_dict: (7 points) This one takes as its only argument a dictionary that maps keys to lists of values. Return True if any of the values in the lists occur more than once anywhere in the lists; False otherwise. 

3. substr_in_values: (10 points) This function takes a dictionary that maps keys to lists of strings and a string. Return a sorted list of all keys that have an associated value containing a string that case-insensitively contains the second argument. 

4. count_lets: (18 points) This function's only required argument is a string. It returns a list with both (1) all letters that appear in the string and (2) a count of the number of times that each appears. Here's an example: 

We might expect that the count/letter pairs would be tuples, but they simply aren't!Instead, the values in the list alternate between a count and the letter that had that count. Notice that only lowercase letters appear in the result; uppercase letters are translated to lowercase and non-letters (not a-z or A-Z) are discarded. A second, optional parameter named all indicates that counts for all twenty-six letters should be produced, regardless of whether they appeared. Example:

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